
Leere Halle Neuer Hauptbahnhof Königsberg

Farewell to Königsberg

A new temporary exhibition deals with the escape and emigration of Jews from East Prussia. The exhibition, which will open in May 2023 at the Jewish Museum in Kaliningrad, will travel to other cities after the summer season.

Blogger at the opening of the exhibition

Instagram blogger Kristina Ilyina in the series Livelyconversation produced a post with the curator of the exhibition for her followers in the Kaliningrad region

Insel Museum Synagoge Kaliningrad

Curator tour on October 9, 2022

The public of the city, journalists and tour guides of Kaliningrad were given a detailed insight into the exhibition. Prof Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz, as curator, introduced the museum’s exhibition.

Listening station


The Jewish Museum in the Kaliningrad Synagogue started its operation on September 18, 2022. The first visitors were the children of the Jewish Congregation.

Deportationszug nach Minsk

80 years deportation

80 years ago, the first deportation train, which brought Jews from Königsberg, Tilsit and Allenstein to their death in Minsk, headed for its terrible destination.

Migration by ox wagon

New citizens

One chapter of the exhibition deals with stories of Jewish