Deportation train from Königsberg

On 24 June 1942, 82 years ago, a train of Jews from Königsberg, organized by the local authorities themselves, left for Minsk, where they were all shot on the spot. Not all the names of the people on this train are yet known.

The model of the East Prussia-Minsk deportation train from 24.06.1942. It shows the transfer from a passenger train to a freight train at the border between the East Prussia region and Belarus. Model in the permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum in the New Synagogue Kaliningrad.

In Königsberg, many Jewish citizens had to make their way to the North Railway Station under guard. Display in the core exhibition of the Jewish Museum in the New Synagogue Kaliningrad.

Memorial plaque at the starting point of the deportation at Nordbahnhof, photo taken in Kaliningrad in 2023.